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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hillary Clinton: Obama Has Passed the 3 A.M. Test

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was on “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos this morning. Stephanopoulos asked Clinton if Obama “answered the questions she raised in her campaign’s “3a.m.” ad.”

“Absolutely,” Clinton told me in an exclusive “This Week” Sunday show interview– her first as secretary of state.

“And, you know, the president in his public actions and demeanor, and certainly in private with me and with the national security team, has been strong, thoughtful, decisive, I think he is doing a terrific job,” she said, “And it’s an honor to serve with him.”

Watch it here:

Stephanopoulos also reports today that “Obama told Richard Wolffe that he had decided to offer State to Clinton during their primary battle” and that “came as a surprise” to Clinton.

“I never had any — any dream, let alone inkling that I would end up in President Obama’s cabinet,” she told me.

“I was looking forward to going back to the Senate and, frankly, going back to my life and representing New York, which I love. And I had no idea that he had a different plan in mind.”

Clinton told Steph that she “deflected Obama’s first pass.”

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